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Daniil is a student of International relations at Tyumen State University, a project manager at the Center for International Education at Tyumen State University, and director of the Center for International Youth Initiatives.
As part of its activities he implements international youth projects, including: Youth Track of the Tyumen Oil and Gas Forum, International Youth Conference «Tyumen Model UN», travel show «Russia through the Eyes of a Foreigner», Stanford US-Russia Forum and others.
In 2020 Daniil and Grigory Kudashov, game technician, developed two card games on the Sustainable Development Goals – «CSURmometer» and «Memo: Sustainable Development», which allow to learn about the SDGs and what each person can do to achieve them. In 2021, these game practices will be developed and multiplied to new regions. Scripts are also being developed for animations about the UN Sustainable Development Goals.